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The moon sister

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Author: Search for this author Riley, Lucinda
Year: 2019
Publisher: London, Pan MacMillan
Series: The Seven Sisters; 5
Media group: Buch


LocationsBarcodeStatusReservationsDue date
Locations: ZAR 20 Rile Barcode: 00767297 Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date:


The Moon Sister is the fifth epic story in the Seven Sisters series by the international number one bestseller Lucinda Riley.
After the death of her father - Pa Salt, an elusive billionaire who adopted his six daughters from around the globe - Tiggy D'Aplièse , trusting her instincts, moves to the remote wilds of Scotland. There she takes a job doing what she loves; caring for animals on the vast and isolated Kinnaird estate, employed by the enigmatic and troubled Laird, Charlie Kinnaird.
Her decision alters her future irrevocably when Chilly, an ancient gipsy who has lived for years on the estate, tells her that not only does she possess a sixth sense, passed down from her ancestors, but it was foretold long ago that he would be the one to send her back home to Granada in Spain . . .
In the shadow of the magnificent Alhambra, Tiggy discovers her connection to the fabled gypsy community of Sacromonte, who were forced to flee their homes during the civil war, and to 'La Candela' the greatest flamenco dancer of her generation.
From the Scottish Highlands and Spain, to South America and New York, Tiggy follows the trail back to her own exotic but complex past. And under the watchful eye of a gifted gypsy bruja she begins to embrace her own talent for healing.
But when fate takes a hand, Tiggy must decide whether to stay with her new-found family or return to Kinnaird, and Charlie . . .
The Moon Sister follows The Seven Sisters, The Storm Sister, The Shadow Sister and The Pearl Sister.
Tiggy d’Aplièse hat sich schon als Kind mit Hingabe um kranke Tiere gekümmert. Auch jetzt, als junge Zoologin, ist die Beschäftigung mit Tieren ihre Erfüllung. Als sie das Angebot erhält, auf einem weitläufigen Anwesen in den schottischen Highlands Wildkatzen zu betreuen, zögert sie nicht lange. Dort trifft sie auf Chilly, einen weisen, alten Zigeuner aus Andalusien. Es ist eine schicksalhafte Begegnung, denn er hilft Tiggy, die ein Adoptivkind ist, das Geheimnis ihrer Herkunft zu lüften. Sie reist nach Granada, wo sie dem ebenso glamourösen wie dramatischen Lebensweg ihrer Großmutter Lucia folgt, der berühmtesten Flamenco-Tänzerin ihrer Zeit. Und Tiggy versteht endlich, welch großes Geschenk ihr zur Stunde ihrer Geburt zuteil wurde ...


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Author: Search for this author Riley, Lucinda
Statement of Responsibility: Lucinda Riley
Year: 2019
Publisher: London, Pan MacMillan
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Classification: Search for this systematic ZAR 20, Rile
Subject type: Search for this subject type Romane, Belletristik, English Novel
ISBN: 978-1-509-84011-3
Description: 1. Aufl., 755 S.
Series: The Seven Sisters; 5
Tags: Belletristik 2021; Englische Belletristik; englische Romane; Wildkatze; Zoologie; English novel; Betreuung; Kennenlernen; alter Mann; Adoptivkind; Hilfe; Herkunft; Granada; Lebensweg; Großmutter; Schwestern; Romane; Romane 2021; Belletristik
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Language: Englisch