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The pearl sister

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Author: Search for this author Riley, Lucinda
Year: 2018
Publisher: London, Pan MacMillan
Series: The Seven Sisters; 4
Media group: Buch


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Locations: ZAR 20 Rile Barcode: 00767298 Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date:


CeCe D'Aplièse has never felt she fitted in anywhere. Following the death of her father, the elusive billionaire Pa Salt - so-called by the six daughters he adopted from around the globe and named after the Seven Sisters star cluster - she finds herself at breaking point. Dropping out of art college, CeCe watches as Star, her beloved sister, distances herself to follow her new love, leaving her completely alone.
In desperation, she decides to flee England and discover her past; the only clues she has are a black-and-white photograph and the name of a woman pioneer who lived in Australia over one hundred years ago. En-route to Sydney, CeCe heads to the one place she has ever felt close to being herself: the stunning beaches of Krabi, Thailand. There amongst the backpackers, she meets the mysterious Ace, a man as lonely as she is and whom she subsequently realizes has a secret to hide . . .
A hundred years earlier, Kitty McBride, daughter of an Edinburgh clergyman, is given the opportunity to travel to Australia as the companion of the wealthy Mrs McCrombie. In Adelaide, her fate becomes entwined with Mrs McCrombie's family, including the identical, yet very different, twin brothers: impetuous Drummond, and ambitious Andrew, the heir to a pearling fortune.
When CeCe finally reaches the searing heat and dusty plains of the Red Centre of Australia, she begins the search for her past. As something deep within her responds to the energy of the area and the ancient culture of the Aboriginal people, her creativity reawakens once more. With help from those she meets on her journey, CeCe begins to believe that this wild, vast continent could offer her something she never thought possible: a sense of belonging, and a home . . .
Wie auch ihre Schwestern ist CeCe d'Aplièse ein Adoptivkind, und ihre Herkunft ist ihr unbekannt. Als ihr Vater stirbt, hinterlässt er einen Hinweis – sie soll in Australien die Spur einer gewissen Kitty Mercer ausfindig machen. Ihre Reise führt sie zunächst nach Thailand, wo sie die Bekanntschaft eines geheimnisvollen Mannes macht. Durch ihn fällt CeCe eine Biographie von Kitty Mercer in die Hände – eine Schottin, die vor über hundert Jahren nach Australien kam und den Perlenhandel zu ungeahnter Blüte brachte. CeCe fliegt nach Down Under, um den verschlungenen Pfaden von Kittys Schicksal zu folgen. Und taucht dabei ein in die magische Kunst der Aborigines, die ihr den Weg weist ins Herz ihrer eigenen Geschichte ...


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Author: Search for this author Riley, Lucinda
Statement of Responsibility: Lucinda Riley
Year: 2018
Publisher: London, Pan MacMillan
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Classification: Search for this systematic ZAR 20, Rile
Subject type: Search for this subject type Romane, Belletristik, English Novel
ISBN: 978-1-509-84007-6
Description: 2. Aufl., 687 S.
Series: The Seven Sisters; 4
Tags: English novel; Belletristik 2021; englische Romane; Buchvorstellungen; Schwestern; Vater; verstorben; Hinweis; Reise; Australien; Thailand; Kennenlernen; geheimnisvoll; Mann; Biografien; Schottin; Perlen; Aborigines; Liebe; Bestseller; Romane; Romane 2021; Belletristik; Englische Belletristik
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Language: Englisch