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The storm sister

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Author: Search for this author Riley, Lucinda
Year: 2015
Publisher: London , Hodder & Stoughton
Series: The Seven Sisters; 2
Media group: Buch


LocationsBarcodeStatusReservationsDue date
Locations: ZAR 20 Rile Barcode: 00767300 Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date:


Ally D'Aplièse is about to compete in one of the world's most perilous yacht races, when she hears the news of her adoptive father's sudden, mysterious death. Rushing back to meet her five sisters at their family home, she discovers that her father - an elusive billionaire affectionately known to his daughters as Pa Salt - has left each of them a tantalizing clue to their true heritage.
Ally has also recently embarked on a deeply passionate love affair that will change her destiny forever. But with her life now turned upside down, Ally decides to leave the open seas and follow the trail that her father left her, which leads her to the icy beauty of Norway . . .
There, Ally begins to discover her roots - and how her story is inextricably bound to that of a young unknown singer, Anna Landvik, who lived there over a hundred years before, and sang in the first performance of Grieg's iconic music set to Ibsen's play 'Peer Gynt'. As Ally learns more about Anna, she also begins to question who her father, Pa Salt, really was. And why is the seventh sister missing?
Als Allys Vater stirbt, trifft sie sich mit ihren 5 Schwestern in ihrem Elternhaus am Genfer See. Alle Geschwister wurden adoptiert, keine kennt ihre Herkunft. Die Biografie eines norwegischen Komponisten führt Ally auf die Spuren ihrer Vorgeschichte und so auf eine Reise in den hohen Norden.


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Author: Search for this author Riley, Lucinda
Statement of Responsibility: Lucinda Riley
Year: 2015
Publisher: London , Hodder & Stoughton
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Classification: Search for this systematic ZAR 20, Rile
Subject type: Search for this subject type Romane, Belletristik, English Novel
ISBN: 978-1-529-00346-8
Description: 1. Aufl., 715 S.
Series: The Seven Sisters; 2
Tags: Englische Belletristik; Roman; Belletristik 2021; Roman aus dem Englischen; Genfer See; Elternhaus; Eltern-Kind-Beziehung; Familie; Adoptivkind; Adoptivtöchter; Romane; englische Romane; Romane 2021; Belletristik; English novel; Bestseller
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Language: Englisch