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Profit from the Source

Transforming your business by putting suppliers at the core
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Author: Search for this author Schuh, Christian; Schnellbächer, Wolfgang
Year: 2022
Publisher: Düsseldorf, Aktivum Invest
Media group: Buch


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Locations: HKK 1 Schu Barcode: 00778654 Status: available Reservations: 0 Due date:


Procurement can be your company's secret weapon for winning in turbulent times.
In most companies, procurement is an unglamorous, unloved part of the business. A job in the procurement office? A fast track to nowhere. Sourcing and supplier management is strictly about costs, the thinking goes, and all that matters is playing hardball to get these as low as possible. No connection to innovation or strategy or creating positive value.
Not so fast. As Boston Consulting Group thought leaders Christian Schuh, Wolfgang Schnellbächer, Alenka Triplat, and Daniel Weise explain in Profit from the Source, procurement should be regarded in a new light, because it has the potential to be a CEO's secret weapon in these fast-moving, disruptive times. The authors offer a wake-up call and a new strategic blueprint for leaders everywhere. With vivid stories and in-depth case studies, they illustrate that no other business function offers the same holistic view of a company—from suppliers who provide the organization with raw materials and components to consumers who buy the finished product. While it's true that a core task of any procurement function is to keep costs from spiraling out of control, the authors show how procurement can help businesses generate phenomenal value from five other sources of competitive advantage critical to success—innovation, quality, sustainability, speed, and risk reduction.


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Author: Search for this author Schuh, Christian; Schnellbächer, Wolfgang
Statement of Responsibility: Christian Schuh ; Wolfgang Schnellbächer
Year: 2022
Publisher: Düsseldorf, Aktivum Invest
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Classification: Search for this systematic HKK 1
Subject type: Search for this subject type Sachbuch, Wirtschaft, Unternehmensführung
ISBN: 978-1-647-82139-5
Description: 1. Aufl., 262 S.
Tags: Sachbuch; Sachbücher; Wirtschaft; Management; Unternehmensführung; Business; Unternehmen; Prozessoptimierung; Funktion; Führung; Lieferanten
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Language: Englisch