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Cover von Ecos Nr.09; 2023
Kunst und Kultur in Málaga, Mundo hispano - Las energías renovables, Reportaje - El Salvador, pasado y presente, Krimi - Der Maler Joaquín Sorolla auf Abwegen
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Spotlight Nr.09/2023; Nr.09
Edinburgh - 10 reasons to visit. Discover a world-class culture festival + fabulous historic panoramas + fine local dining, Understanding Adele - We explain the hit song "Water under the Bridge", Get what you want at work and at home! A negotiator shares his secrets, Egg cream - A classic New York drink you've never heard of, Monoploy - The story of a radical board game
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Count: Nr.09
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Bildwörterbuch Ukrainisch
16.000 Wörter und Wendungen mit kulturspezifischem Sonderteil
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Author: Pons Search for this author
Year: 2022
Publisher: Stuttgart, Pons
Series: Bildwörterbuch
Media group: Buch
Cover von Spotlight Audio Nr.08; 2023
Einfach besser Englisch. Nashville - The country music capital of the world
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Sprachkurse
Cover von Ecos audio Nr.08; 2023
Einfach besser Spanisch. País Vasco - De ruta por el norte de Espana
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Sprachkurse
Cover von Business Spotlight Audio Nr.07; 07/23
Einfach besser Business-Englisch. Career coach - Agile at work
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Sprachkurse
Cover von Ecoute Audio Nr.08; 08/23
Einfach besser Französisch. Les plus belles réserves naturelles de France
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Sprachkurse
Cover von Écoute Nr.08; 2023
Corse, Camargue, Archèche...Les 14 plus belles réserves naturelles de France, Rencontre - Avec Macky Sall, Président du Sénégal, Société - Les bobos, ces Francais qui énervent
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Ecos Nr.08; 2023
11 Tipps für das Baskenland, Reportaje - La moda flamenca de Lina Sevilla, Mundo hispano - La salud mental en América Latina
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Spotlight Nr.08/2023; Nr.08
Rebel and romantic - Harry Styles - Meet the man rewriting pop culture, Norland nannies - Childcarers for the elite with the skills to match, Nashville - Join us in Amerca's toe tappin', hand clappin', finger snappin' music city, Language - What is a New York minute? Learn expressions using place names from around the world
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Search for this author
Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Count: Nr.08
Media group: Zeitschrift