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Cover von Spotlight Nr.03; 2023
Is Britain broken? - The miess that is: Brexit, healthcare, poverty, education. Time out - Thomas Kerstan, publisher of ZEIT Campus, on good American-style manners. Language - "What if?": fun with conditional sentences.
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Business Spotlight Nr.03; 2023
Keep it private - How to protect your data online. The truth about tipping - From slavery to service. Plus: China's crisis - The commuting question - The future of email and more!
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Ecos Nr.03; 2023
85 kuriose Fakten über Lateinamerika. Reportaje - El valle del Roncal en los Pirineos. Cuento - Diego Velasquez. Las damas investigan.
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von CHIP Nr.03; 2023
Malware? Macht nix! - Rundum-Schutz für Microsoft-Systeme - so geht's, Virtuelle Maschine auf Knopfdruck - So fix steht der One-Click-PC zum Rumprobieren, Ganz legale Darknet-Tricks - Von wegen Schmuddelecke: Schätze im verborgenen Netz
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Year: 2023
Publisher: München, CHIP Communications GmbH
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Ecos Nr. 02; 2023
Karneval auf Teneriffa Reportaje. Colombia: De guerrillero a alcade Entrevista. Sara Mesa y su novela "Un amor"
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Spotlight Nr.02; 2023
New perspectives on New York. 10 things to do and see in 2023 Letter from London. James Bond moments in the British capital Time out. Rieke Havertz, Washington correspondent of DIE ZEIT, on train travel in the US
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Business Spotlight Nr.02; 2023
Inflation - Can we control the rising cost of food and daily living?, The new office - Eco-friendly office designs for efficiency and well-being, Texas borderland - Living and working between two cultures, Values at work - Checking what's important
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von CHIP Nr.02; 2023
Windows 11 ULTRA Edition - Mit allen Pro-Features & noch vielem mehr!, Hilfe, mein WLAN spinnt! - Störenfriede im Heimnetz finden und ausmerzen, Das macht jeden Virus platt - Hacker-Attacken? Da gibt's doch was von CHIP!
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Year: 2023
Publisher: München, CHIP Communications GmbH
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Business Spotlight Nr.01; 2023
Arnold - The secrets to his success and why he's become a star in the tech industry. Sell your idea - How to make the perfect pitch. How human is A.I.? - Can artificial intelligence go too far?
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Media group: Zeitschrift
Cover von Spotlight Nr.01; 2023
Magic! It's simple to write better English! - Important words and phrases for e-mails, texts and letters. Agatha is back! - Why Christie-style crime stories are everywhere. Letter from New York - Little animals at home in the Big Apple. Time out - Andreas Lebert, editor-in-chiel of ZEIT Wissen, on Bavarian Englisch. New - Food stories and fabulous recipes from the Spotlight team. Ireland - Take a trip along the panoramic Atlantic coast - from Limerick to the Burren.
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Year: 2023
Publisher: Planegg, Spotlight
Media group: Zeitschrift