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Cover von Subscribed
Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future-and What to Do About It
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Author: Tzuo, Tien; Weisert, Gabe Search for this author
Year: 2018
Publisher: London, Penguin Books
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von The Digital Mindset
What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI
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Author: Leonardi, Paul; Neeley, Tsedal Search for this author
Year: 2022
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von Alive at Work
The Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love What They Do
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Author: Cable, Daniel M. Search for this author
Year: 2018
Publisher: Boston, Ingram Publishers Services
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von Competing Against Luck
The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice
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Author: Christensen, Clayton M.; Hall, Taddy Search for this author
Year: 2016
Publisher: New York, Harper Collings Publ.
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von Crossing the Chasm
Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers
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Author: Moore, Geoffrey A. Search for this author
Year: 2014
Publisher: New York, Harper Collings Publ.
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von The Toyota Way
14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer
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Author: Liker, Jeffrey K. Search for this author
Year: 2020
Publisher: New York, McGraw-Hill Education
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von Think and Grow Rich
Die ungekürzte und unveränderte Originalausgabe von Denke nach und werde reich von 1937
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Author: Hill, Napoleon Search for this author
Year: 2018
Publisher: München, Finanzbuch Verlag GmbH
Media group: Buch neu
Cover von Der tägliche Napoleon Hill
365 Lektionen, um jeden Tag erfolgreich zu sein
0 ratings
Author: Hill, Napoleon; Stone, W. Clement; Ritt, Michael J. Search for this author
Year: 2021
Publisher: München, Finanzbuch Verlag GmbH
Media group: Buch
Cover von ErfolgreicheTeams in der Selbstorganisation
Sechs Aufgaben, damit Teams arbeitsfähig werden - und welche Rolle Führung dabei spielt
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Author: Brinkmann, Babette Julia; Schattenhofer, Karl Search for this author
Year: 2022
Publisher: München, Vahlen
Media group: Buch
Cover von Chief Behavioral Officer
Wie Sie mit den psychologischen Erkenntnissen der Verhaltensökonomie den Unternehmenserfolg erhöhen
0 ratings
Author: Imseng, Dominik Search for this author
Year: 2021
Publisher: München, Vahlen
Media group: Buch